Michael Lavocah
photo (c) Xavier Bonète
In 2012 he created a new genre of tango writing with his book Tango Stories: Musical Secrets, the dancer’s guide to tango music, which has been translated into six languages and published in Buenos Aires. His current project is a series of books exploring the great tango orchestras, Tango Masters.
Michael is also well-known as a DJ at festivals, marathons and encuentros; TodoTango asked him to write some articles about tango DJing.
During the pandemic, Michael and Dag Stenvoll ran a free online Zoom show called “Tango By Year”. In each show, Dag chose a year and the tracks to play, and Michael spoke about them. The twist: Michael knew only the year before the show, not the selections. Over 18 months they did 39 shows, more than 130 hours, covering 1927-1955 – the core years of tango – with a few bonus programmes. It became a meeting place for the worldwide tango community with over 100 listeners each time. You can find it all on Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-342390385.
Personal website: www.tangomusicsecrets.com.